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Updated: May 8, 2020

Whether to include references on your resume
References on Resumes are Not Required

When it comes to job hunting, they say “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Welcome to the highly competitive new age of networking, where you can’t completely rely on your skills alone to land that dream job of yours. The results of a survey published on a LinkedIn blog reveal that 85% of all jobs are filled via networking. This means that it is important to find people who can vouch for you and recommend you for the job. When it comes to job references, getting previous supervisors, managers, owners and staff to recommend you for a job is a big deal. However, the question remains, is it really necessary to highlight references on your resume?


Your resume is an opportunity to provide a ton of information about your skills, expertise and background. Writing a great professional, winning resume is so important because your resume is a representation of you and allows you to have impact on people who you may never have a chance to meet in person. Thousands of job seekers still have problems putting their resume together in order to capture the attention of HR. Some people take resume writing courses online, while most people just skip the whole hassle of writing their own resume and just hire a great resume writer or professional resume service. Either way, it is critical that you equip yourself with a powerful resume so that you can land your dream job

Searching for a job takes time and can be one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do. Even after you successfully ace an interview, the interviewers will want to see your reference to determine whether you are the right fit. The reality is that your references could play a major role in determining whether you receive a job offer or not. Even if HR loved how you performed in the job interview, the hiring managers will want to speak with other people you have worked with to understand your strengths, weaknesses and reputation in the community. Whether it is a former employer, colleague or your professor in college, it is critical that you select references that will speak highly of you.


Many people ask whether it it right or wrong to include references as part of a standard resume structure. Offering a list of references on your resume is not always the best move unless the employer has specifically asked you to include them. Here are some reasons why:

1. It’s a Waste of Valuable Space. A great resume should be limited to one or two pages. Your resume should be short and concise and only include relevant information needed by the employer. Space on your resume is considered prime real estate and should be treated as such. Hence, volunteering to include references on your resume when applying for a position is a waste of space that should instead be used for listing additional work experience or important skills.

2. Most Employers Simply Don’t Require Them Upfront. Most employers and recruiters don’t require you to include references when applying because they don’t need it, yet. They’re busy sorting through tons of applications and don’t have time to call all your referees. The references only become important after you’ve progressed past the interview stage.

3. Do Not Include the Phrase, “References Available Upon Request”. Whether you have big ties with Elon Musk or the president of a huge company, resist the urge to include the phrase “References Available Upon Request.” It’s completely unnecessary and takes up valuable space. What you can do is create a specific ‘References Page’ on a separate document and keep it handy to easily present when requested.

The objective of a resume is always to showcase you relevant skills, expertise and accomplishments through the lens of the company’s needs and expectations. It is critical that you customize your resume to ensure it’s relevant to the role you’re applying for. Avoid amateur mistakes like including references on your resume when they are not yet required.

If you find the whole process of resume and cover letter writing challenging and need some help, please have a look at our resume writing service options. We are here to help!

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