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Time To Change Your Career Plan

Careesr are changing
Consider that it may be a time for a career change.

COVID 19 has changed many things for many people. Lives have been turned upside down and inside out. Limiting your social contact means re-evaluating what is important in life. This means that it is a good time to look at your career and assess whether you are heading in the right direction.

There are many things happening in the world right now that are 100% out of your control. Being forced to work at home, shifting job functions, organizational re-structuring to name a few. This can cause stress on workers and this ‘busy work’ can distract you from focusing on your true future vision.

One great quote to summarize these occurrences is as follows:

“Sometimes we are so busy looking at what is right in front of us that we fail to see where we are going.” -Selena Martin -

If this sound like you, if may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions to determine whether you are moving in the career right direction.

1) Does your work still fulfill you? If you were to assign a percentage to the amount of fulfilment you feel in a week, does this percentage satisfy you?

2) Have you achieved what you originally set out to achieve in your position?

3) Are you ‘playing it safe' in your job because you have a scarcity mindset (re: job search)?

4) Do you anticipate there are other roles in your sector that are better suited for you skill set?

Although things seem hectic right now, the best time to plan your next career move is RIGHT NOW! If you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed at work, it is wise to conserve your energy. This energy should be reinvested in yourself. In your future.

NOW is the time to start planning. Don’t put this off for another month/year as the world in changing and your energy is best used working in a job that fulfills you. Yes, it is true that very few people enjoy 100% of their assigned job tasks but remember when you enjoyed 80% of the work? Why have you let things slip away from you?

If you need help with job search, resume writing and planning your next career move, we are here to help. Please feel free to reach out to us and learn how hiring an executive job search specialist or great resume writer can be a great start to crafting the life you deserve. We can be contacted at

Our approach to helping others find employment is optimizing the job search process and customizing resume writing to highlight your unique expertise and career goals. This is what differentiate us from other resume writer/job search companies. We focus on quality and craftmanship. Not quantity.

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