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Three activities to help you make the ultimate career decision: ‘Should I stay or should I go?’

Doesn’t it feel scary as hell to leave your job and try something new? I hear this from so many clients who are considering a career change but are too afraid to take the leap. The comfort of having a steady, predictable income often outweighs many job seekers’ decision to stay in a position that they are not happy with. This often leads to burnout and can mean working in stressful, unsatisfying environments.

Did you know that we spend 90,000 hours at work over the course of our lifetime? And this is just an average!

Many people’s work weeks exceed 40 hours, and, in this case, this amount increases substantially. This means that we spend a significant portion of our lives at work and if you are not happy at work- you are spending a significant amount of your life dedicated to a job that brings you no joy. Have you ever heard of the following quote?

Well, Gordana Biernat understood that we only live one life and that our time on this earth is precious. This is a great reminder for each of us to consider whether we are focusing our energy on the right occupation, the right boss, the right path. You deserve to be happy and your mental health is the most important predictor of living a healthy, long life.

So, if you are in a position where you are questioning whether you should stay or leave your job, here are 3 activities you can complete to help you make the tough decision on whether you should stay-or leave your job:

Activity 1:

In five years from now, you are feeling FULL. I mean, your life is on the right track and you feel a deep sense of contentment. Ask your future self, what are the things you have accomplished that have given you this immense sense of satisfaction? Now get a pen and write down these items. Once this is complete, ask yourself the following question: “Does the job I occupy now allow me to accomplish these goals and will lead to my fulfillment ?”. Write a 'yes' or 'no' next to each item. Reflect on your results.

Activity 2:

Deciding to leave a job can be terrifying and often we focus on all the negative consequences of this decision. Get a pen and write down all the things that scare the sh*$ out of you and seem to work against you in making this decision. Now that you are done, create a second list of all the reasons why NOW may be the best time to make this decision and identify all the positive considerations that may result in you making the decision to leave your job. Reflect on the results.

Activity 3:

Let’s talk about FEAR. Have you ever heard of the acronym? :


Now, carefully review the list of opposing factors from the activity listed above (activity 2). Ask yourself whether the items listed here are REALISTIC or likely are a result of FEAR (false evidence apprising real). Write down the word REALISTIC next to the appropriate items and FEAR next to those that are irrational. Reflect on your results.

After completing the above 3 activities you should have a better sense on where you stand and whether leaving your jobs is the right choice for you at the present time. If the answer is ‘NO’, this doesn’t mean that you CANNOT leave your job, it just means that the timing is not right for you NOW. This is a critical decision that may impact multiple people and you need to be sure that you are making the right decision for YOU. However, remember your health and wellness should be the #1 priority. If you are miserable in your job and it is taking a toll on your mental health and self esteem, it may be time for you to take a leap of faith and find a new place of belonging!!

If you are considering leaving your job, you will need to develop a great resume and cover letter that will help you stand out in your job search. Resume writing is no small task and can be very frustrating for many job seekers. There is definitely an art to resume writing. It will be critical that your resume is targeted to the job of interest and includes many keywords that demonstrate your suitability. If you are feeling ‘out of your element’ and need help from a professional resume writer, please reach out to us and we can discuss your career goals, connect you with a great resume writer and develop a resume and cover letter that makes you shine!! Please contact us at: .

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