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Things to Know About Working as a Remote Resume Writer

Remote Resume Writing
Becoming a remoter resume writer

Many people are now able to work remotely due to an increase in online businesses, technological advancements and flexible hiring practices. A career as a remote resume writer is one profession that allows this flexibility. The idea of working from a home office or a cozy cafe while sipping a latte is certainly enticing, however, before you decide to quit your job and become a remote resume writer, here are some key things you should know.

You can make your hours

One of the perks of being a remote resume writer is that you have the freedom to set your own working hours. Not a morning person? No problem! Start your workday late and work into the evening. You can also modify your working hours at will to accommodate other plans into your schedule. What’s key is that you deliver your resumes within the agreed deadline to your clients.

Staying productive is your responsibility

As a remoter resume writer, you are your own boss and while this may sound great, it has its downside. One of the challenges of being your own boss is that you have no one to monitor your progress and hold you accountable. Back in the office you had a boss who oversaw your progress and co-workers who depended on your input. Now that you work remotely, you will have to be motivated from within to remain productive even though there’s no one to physically supervise you.

You may feel socially isolated

It’s not unusual for remote resume writers to feel that they’re alone and socially isolated. The reason is not far-fetched: the office is the main place of socialization for most adults. Social interactions at work help you feel involved as a team member. As a remote resume writer you can still reach out to other team members through a web conferencing tool, however, this is no substitute for physical contact. Hence, it will be important for your to find other outlets to get your social needs met.

Eliminating distractions is a real challenge

You might have assumed that distractions exist only in the office but working remotely will reveal that your home office environment is also full of distractions. From your dog that wants you to play with him to the new TV show and/or notifications from social media, you will discover that there are several things calling for your attention. As a result, you will have to come up with ways to eliminate the distractions so that you are able to stay focused.

Finding a community is crucial

Like any other profession, there’s a community of professional resume writers out there and it is up to you to find them. It is crucial that you find other professional resume writers so that you have people to fall back on for support, input and resources. Being a part of the community will help you learn the latest trends, develop greater business acumen, and help to keep you inspired. You can find plenty of resume writing communities and experts on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.

High earning potential

A good number of remote resume writers earn the same amount or more than they would in their regular jobs. A resume writer who is self-disciplined, delivers within set timelines and knows how to source clients will develop a lucrative career in no time. Your income may not be constant at first, but you can increase your earning potential with time and hard work.

Good earning potential as an online resume writer
High earning potential as an online resume writer


There are many great reasons to become a remote resume writer, but it is important that you consider both the pros and cons of this profession before jumping in. Resume writing is not for everyone and so it is important to consider the above information to determine your suitability for this industry.

If you are considering a career as a resume writer and want to learn more about this industry and how to make money online- have a look at our online resume writing course.

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