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The Secret World of a Resume Writer

Great Resume Writer's Conduct Research
Becoming a Great Resume Writer

Hiring a professional resume writer is a good way to have someone write about you in a convincing way, using the right words geared toward your target job. Many people get stumped when tasked to craft their resume because it feels odd to highlight one’s strengths and to “boast” about one’s accomplishments. The fees charged by a resume writer are justified not only because this will increase your chances of landing more interviews that lead to job offers, but because you are hiring a resume writer – a professional from a secret world that knows what hiring managers want. Have you ever wondered about this secret world? Well, read on.

A great professional resume writer loves to acquire career knowledge

A great resume writer enjoys learning about different careers – some may focus on entry level, mid-level roles or executive positions, or all. Nonetheless, a resume writer is interested in regularly conducting research and talking to recruiters and industry experts to acquire knowledge of the roles they hire for and who they typically call in for interviews. In order to understand how to properly market a candidate to an employer, it is critical to learn about the latest trends and buzzwords in the industry. This can be achieved by chatting with industry pros and by analyzing job descriptions. The reality is that there is a science to resume writing. A great resume writer spends time understanding your career goals, the industry, and your accomplishments.

A great professional resume writer is a guru of font styles and resume structure

Since resumes are often read by computer scanners, also known as applicant tracking systems (ATS), it is important to ensure that the proper formatting, style, and fonts are used. A great resume writer should provide you with resume samples of their work to showcase the types of ATS-friendly formats they offer. For those of you who don’t know what ATS is – let me simplify:

When you submit your resume to an employer it is often accepted into an electronic tracking system which scans for keywords and content. This system will then rank your resume as “qualified” or “unqualified”. If deemed as “qualified”, the resume will then land on the desk of a hiring manager. It is important to know that specific fonts and formats must be used since the ATS will not accept all types of fonts and templates. This may seem daunting to you, so that is why many people rely on a professional resume writer to get the job done. This will leave you more time to prepare for job interviews!

A great professional resume has extensive experience

Many writers claim they are a professional resume writer but many are not. This can lead to a poorly written resume. A great resume writer is someone with years of experience working in the industry and should have completed the education needed to develop resumes and successful job search strategies. One example of a certifying body is the British Columbia Certified Career Development Practitioner (CCDP) credential. This is an association, located in BC, Canada, that offers a professional credential for practitioners within the career development sector. This accreditation requires that resume writers take resume courses related to career theories, resume writing, interviewing, job search techniques, and ethics.

This is just one example of the many certifications you can receive as a professional resume writer. There are many certifying bodies that are available locally, provincially and even internationally. Becoming certified and/or pursuing education in the career development or resume writing world will ensure that you can provide the highest standard of service to customers.

Now that you have gained a greater insight into the secret world of a resume writer, I hope you can appreciate that resume writing is no joke – it is serious business. In order to meet your resume writing needs, I invite you to contact me at to book a discovery call to learn how I can meet your needs.

Thanks for reading.


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