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The Great Shuffle

Time to change career
Are you unhappy at work?

We are living in a new world post COVID 19. For the last 2 years, people have been re-assessing what is important in life, and we are seeing a HUGE fall out in the labour market given that people are seeking lifestyle changes. For many employers, this has been a nightmare but turmoil in the labour market is an indication that there is an underlying issue that needs to remedied.

I would argue that there is a silent revolution happening and that ‘the people’ are deciding that they are no longer happy working a 9-5 job with little consideration of work/life balance. COVID 19 has meant loss, isolation, hardships and sickness. Now that things are returning to normal (in most parts of the world) people are ready for joy, happiness and fulfillment. Returning to work environments that are toxic, unfulfilling and overly demanding is not on the table for many employees. People are feeling empowered to make changes that benefit THEM - not their employer. This is what I call ‘the great shuffle’.

This shuffle means positive changes for workers and job seekers as they re-align their priorities and gravitate towards jobs that are more fulfilling. As a career development specialist, there is nothing greater than witnessing people pursue jobs they are passionate about. However, these decisions come at a cost. An employees’ decision to leave the security of a job can mean choosing financial hardships instead of security. That is, you may choose to take a pay cut in lieu or a more promising role with greater growth opportunities. Moreover, you may decide that work-life balance is more valuable then the salary and gravitate towards a role that is better suited to your lifestyle.

These decisions are difficult to make but more and more people are taking this leap of faith in pursuit of a greener pasture. In fact, the best time to look for a new role is NOW!! Because there are so many people partaking in the great shuffle, jobs are plentiful. COVID has changed business for many employers, and we are seeing a massive growth in work-from-home opportunities. This means that job seekers can be more selective in the types of roles they pursue and can secure roles that are better suited to their lifestyle.

If you are someone who is considering a career/job change and don’t know where to start- your first step should be to develop a great resume. If you are considering a career change, it is a good idea to seek advice from a professional resume writer on how to target your resume for jobs that are outside the norm for you. Identifying transferable skills will be very important for career changers so that the employer can see that you are the best fit for the role. As previously mentioned, this is the BEST TIME to be looking for a work, however, employers will still want to see that that your skills are aligned to the role. Targeting your resume to include keywords from the job posting will help your resume stand out from the crowd.

So, what are you waiting for? Decide NOW whether you are happy in your job and if you aren’t-it’s time to start identifying some exciting new roles that would support your inner wellness and new direction in life. If you need help designing a great resume, please reach out to us and we will connect you with an excellent resume writer that will help you achieve your career goals! Please email for more info.

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