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Five Important Factors to Consider When Hiring a Professional Resume Writer

Resume writing service tips
Don't waste your money hiring the wrong resume service

A good resume might gain a recruiter’s attention, but it needs to be compelling to get you in the door of an interview. Writing such a killer resume can be daunting and this is why many job seekers are hiring professional resume writers to do the job for them. If this is you, it is critical that you ensure that you are getting high-quality service and not wasting your hard-earned cash.

Here are five important factors to consider when hiring a professional resume writer.

1. Are you hiring a resume writer or a “resume factory?”

If you’re looking to hire a professional resume writer, the first thing to consider is whether you’re purchasing high-quality service. Many professional resume writing services can be rightly called “resume factories.” A resume factory seldom puts in quality time to write a resume because their aim is solely to make money and churn out your resume as quickly as possible. One of the ways to identify them is by their ridiculously low prices and very quick turnaround times

(1 day). Hiring such resume writers can sabotage your chances of getting calls for an interview since your document will be like everyone else’s.

2. What kind of process does the resume writer use?

A professional resume writer is someone who focuses on you and uses all the information you provide to craft a resume that will make you stand out from the crowd. To do this, a writer will want to speak directly with you and will need multiple days to deliver a document you will be proud of. On the other hand, a resume factory will want to ask only a few questions and make the final delivery in less than a day. They often get the job done that fast because they don’t write it from scratch since all they have to do is plug in your information into a previously used resume template.

3. Does the resume writer have any marketing, job coaching or human resource experience?

Writing a resume that will catch the eye of a recruiter is part art and part science. A resume writer might know all the rules, trends, and current business hiring practices, but that’s just the beginning. A resume is essentially a marketing tool, and the best resumes are typically written by people who have worked with job seekers (i.e. job coaches or employment counsellors) or have a background in human resources as they understand what a resume should look like and how to distinguish a qualified applicants.

4. Does the resume writer offer revisions on resumes?

One of the traits of a professional resume writer is the willingness to offer a set amount of revisions on the resume. The first resume produced by your writer should be a DRAFT only. This way the customer can provide feedback so that the resume writer can expand and refine the resume. Many resume factories won’t give you this option as they don’t want to put in the extra work.

5. How much does the resume writer charge?

When hiring a professional resume writer you often get what you pay for. Be suspicious of any resume writer or firm that offers to create a resume for a low cost as it’s a sign that you will be purchasing poor service. It always goes back to “cost versus value.” This doesn’t mean that you have to spend thousands of dollars on a resume but be skeptical of resume writing service that produces a resume for less than $100.


Hiring a professional resume writer is a decision that should not be taken lightly as your career will depend on it. If you resume is not getting you results and you are thinking about hiring a resume

writer – follow the above guide to ensure that you make a smart decision and hire a resume writing services that will provide you with an excellent product.

If you need help crafting a beautifully designed resume, contact us to find a resume writing package that will suit your needs.

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