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Resumes for School Entrance

Writing resumes for school entrance
Resume writing for university/college entrance

Are you thinking about applying to post secondary and wondering how to format your resume? Resumes submitted for school entrance should be laid out differently then a tradition resume. Admission committees are assessing your qualifications and fit for their program and you do not want to miss out on this opportunity by submitting a sub-par resume.

Most post secondary schools (PSS) provide information on what they are looking for in terms of a resume submission. Some PSS flush out very specific instructions on format, length, style, etc., whereas other schools leave the details to you. Always follow the instructions given. For example, if the school requests a 1-page resume, then you should comply.

If the school has not listed specifics on what is required on the resume, here is a list of what should be included:

Professional Experience:

Similar to resume which would submitted for a job, a school entrance resume should have a list of each job that you have occupied and the tasks and achievements you accomplished during that time. Be sure to list the job title, company name, location as well as the month and year that you started and ended each position.

Many PSS admission committees are assessing whether you have taken on any leadership roles in you past positions. For this reason, be sure to clearly identify when/if you were involved in any staff hiring, training and development as well as how many people you managed or oversaw.

Education and Certification:

You can either list your education separately to your certification or group these together. Your education should include the PSS you attended as well as the name of the program, location of school and year(s) attended.

If you have already completed the education, you only need to list the year of completion. For example, if you completed a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in 1999, you only need to list the year of completion.

If you achieved a commendable GPA during your program- feel free to list this as well. See below for an example of what this would look like:

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 1999
M.V.S.R Engineering College, Hyderabad, India
Overall GPA: 3.95/4.0

Research, Publications and Presentations:

PSS often want to know whether you have conducted research and have any published work. They also like to hear if you have been involved in any presentations or conferences to share your expertise. Be sure to list all of this with the subsequent years they were attained.

Extra-Curricular Engagement:

Have you been involved in any leadership activities and/or volunteer work? Do you sit on any boards or coached any team sports? All of this information can improve your chances of impressing the admission committee.

Similar to the ‘Professional Experience’ section – you should identify your job title, company name as well as the years(s) of service for each position. It is also a good idea to provide a brief summary of what you did and accomplished in each role.


It is always a good idea to list any awards you received during your career so that you can impress the admissions committee. If the award you won has a nebulous name or title– be sure to flush out WHY this was awarded.

Technical Skills:

This is an optional section you may think about including to demonstrate that you possess the technological aptitude to succeed in school as well as in the workforce.

School Entrance Resume Example:

Below is an example of a well-laid out resume designed for school entrance.

Good format for school entrance resume
School Entrance Resume Example


Applying to get into a PSS program often means that you will have to develop a resume that showcases your experience and aptitude to succeed. Don’t make the mistake of submitting the same resume that you use for applying for work. PSS admission committees are often looking for an complete, holistic picture of who you are.

If you are unsure what to include in your resume, use the above information as a guide to make sure that you have a winning application!

If you find the whole process of resume writing challenging and need some help, please have a look at our resume writing service options. We are here to help!

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