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Resume Writing Trends That Are Future Proof

Trends for a great resume
Future Proof Resume Writing Trends

Throughout the years there have been many resume writing trends that have come and gone. What we have learned through this time is that the traditional resume is not going anywhere. However, there are some emerging trends in resume writing which may help you to catch the eye of a recruiter. Here are three resume writing trends that are here to stay and will help you land your next job. It may be time for you to dust off your old resume and give it a makeover!

Company Fit

Hard skills are great because they demonstrate that people have the abilities needed to fill a position. Nevertheless, it can be hard to decide which candidate to invite for an interview when there are countless others who possess the same skills and certifications. As a result, companies now like to hire people who are not only qualified for the job but also ‘fit’ with the company culture.

This begs the question: “How to I show them I am the right fit for the company?”

The best way to show that you are the right fit for the company culture is in your cover letter. Having a great, well written cover letter shows that you have done your research, understand the company values, visions and culture and explains WHY you are the right fit for the position. Having this edge over other job seekers will surely help you to stand out over other applicants.

Social Media Scans

The era of walking from company to company with a stack of resumes is fast becoming a thing of the past. Instead, social media has become a critical tool in vetting applicants. Studies indicate that most companies today are using social media to shortlist applicants and make hiring decision. Companies will often scour the internet to locate your social media profiles to assess your professionalism and suitability for the job.

This means that it is critical to activate your privacy settings and shut down any old, lingering social media profiles that you no longer use. Additionally, it is a good idea to scan the content and pictures to assess whether they are suitable for an (potential) employer to view.

ATS Friendly Resumes

The last decade has seen many companies make use of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen out resumes that don’t contain specific keywords used in the job description. This is a trend that will NOT be going away any time soon. Resumes that don’t pass through this stage will not get read by hiring managers and will go straight to the garbage bin.

So, in order to ensure your resume doesn’t land in the reject pile, be sure to optimize your resume by creatively incorporating keywords to increase your chances of getting hired.


Throughout the years there have been many resume trends that have come and go. If you want to make sure that you have a great resume that is destined for success in today’s world-be sure that you comply with the above three resume writing trends. They are here to stay!

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