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Cover Letter Glory

Why cover letters matter
Show employers you are FIT with their culture by developing a great cover letter

I get asked by many customers whether it is necessary to submit a cover letter with their job applications. I know that writing cover letters is time consuming and that most people want me to say “no, it isn’t necessary” but the truth of the matter is that cover letters are an important part of your application. This should not be overlooked and here is why:

5 reasons why you should include a cover letter with your application:

1. Uncovering your WHY

Let’s face it – your resume is a factual summary of your skills, qualities and experience. It is written in a language that is more formal and fact based and doesn’t allow you to explain your WHY. What I mean by this is that it doesn’t allow you to tell a story on WHY you are passionate about a certain line of work, WHY you made three career changes, WHY you are excited about the prospect of working with ABC Company. All of these details are important aspects that recruiters and HR will want to consider when determining whether you FIT with the company. Your ability to sell yourself and articulate how you FIT into the company can be the difference between being shortlisted or not.

2. You won’t have to tweak your resume as much

When you send in an application for a job it is recommended that you customize your resume and cover letter for each position. This customization takes time and is hard work but will ensure that you are including keywords related to the posting. In a perfect world EVERYONE would customize their resume and cover letter but many people are looking for more time effective ways to job search.

Having a cover letter will minimize the amount of work you will have to do on your resume. Sure you might change a couple items in the ‘Highlight’ section of your resume or even add some keywords under ‘Areas of expertise’, but you can save time by focusing on customizing a great cover letter.

3. Time to name drop

A cover letter is a great way to drop the name of someone you know within the company. Perhaps one of your good friends works in the company and wants to recommend you as a candidate. Or, better yet, perhaps you conducted an informational interview with a senior leader who suggested that you apply for an opening. Either way, the cover letter is the best place to leverage the connections you have and let HR know that you are a familiar name to existing employees.

4. A cover letter explains the unexplained

Do you have gaps in your work history? Did you receive 4 promotions in a 2 year period? Both of these situations will require further explanation and your resume is not the best place to do this. In the first example, if you only submitted a resume, a recruiters would notice that there was a large gap in your work history and may decide not to contact you as they assume that you were unemployed (or unemployable) during that time. This would be a red flag for the employer. The reality may be, however, that you were caring for a loved one during that time. In this way – your cover letter gives you a platform to (briefly) explain this so you are able to settle any presumptions the reader may make.

5. This job is worth the time and effort

Last but not least, writing a cover letter shows that you are willing to put in the effort to explain why you are the best candidate for the job. The time and consideration you put into customizing a cover letter tells the employer that you care about the company. This, above all, speaks to your character and will allow you to put your best foot forward.

If you are wanting help to design a professional resume or cover letter – please have a look at our resume writing service options. We have a package for everyone!

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