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Cover Letter Controversy

Cover Letter Writing
Are Cover Letters Worth The Time?

Customizing a cover letter for a job is time consuming. As a professional resume writer, I often get asked whether it is necessary to craft a cover letter for each job. Given the extra time it takes to write a cover letter, it is understandable that job seekers are looking for more time effective ways to job search. Before you decide to veto cover letter writing, read below to understand 3 reasons why cover letter writing is essential.

Cover letter are used to explain the unexplained

As you likely know, your resume is a very concise document and there isn’t much room to explain gaps in employment, career changes or other phenomena which may concern the reader. Often these situations require a more in-depth explanation so that the reader does not discard your resume. A cover letter is the ideal place to provide more context on any questionable information.

Cover letters allow you to tell a story

It is true that when you develop a cover letter that it should highlight the main reasons why you are qualified for the job. Moreover, it also allows you to tell a story about who you are and some of the successes you have experienced that relate to the job. On a cover letter you get to craft the story in whatever way you want. It is a great way to get creative and identify your career trajectory and why this position is best suited for you.

Cover Letter Tip: It is always a good idea to quantify your successes when possible on your cover letter. If you are able to share a story and indicate how this benefited the company/customers/staff then you will surely impress the reader.

Cover letters demonstrate that you have done research on the company

Let’s face it-companies love to hear why YOU want to work for them. These days you can find out everything you want to know about a company simply by conducting a Google search. Your cover letter is the perfect platform to show HR that you have done your homework and that you are up to date on company info.

Cover Letter Tip: If there is a recent achievement or news story on the company you can ‘wow’ them with your insight. It is also good practice to share how your skills and expertise will align with the company culture. This will allow the reader to see that you have conducted research on the company and can articulate your fit.


It is true that developing a cover letter takes time and requires extra research and effort to tailor to every position. However, as you can see from the above information, time spent on these customization's are well worth it and allow you to explain why you are the best fit for the company. Don’t lose out on a great job opportunity by foregoing a cover letter!

If you find the whole process of cover letter writing challenging and need some help, please have a look at our resume writing service options. We are here to help!

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