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Resume tips for success
Resume tips you need to know

Recruiters receive tons of resumes for any given job opening and have approximately six seconds to review each document. For this reason, you need a unique, well-crafted resume to stand out from the crowd and catch the eye of the hiring manager. Writing such a resume is not easy as there are some key tips you will want to consider before submitting your application.

Here are 5 tips that will enhance your resume results:

Do not use a template

Using a template to write your resume lowers your chance of standing out from the crowd since those templates are available for everyone to download online. Recruiters sort through thousands of resumes every day, and they can easily spot the templates that every applicant is using. Additionally, some templates out there are poorly put together by people who just want to make quick money.

Use proofreading software

One of the common mistakes job seekers make is sending out an error-filled resume to recruiters. No one likes reading a document riddled with errors, so be sure to use a proofreading software (like Grammarly) for your resume. Such software can highlight spelling and grammatical errors in your resume and offer useful suggestions to improve your writing. Many recruiters detest resumes with mistakes as they see it as a sign that you’re incompetent and satisfied with presenting sloppy work.

Stop using passive verbs

The kind of verbs you use will either keep the hiring manager glued to your document or make them toss it into the trash can. Hiring managers have seen weak verbs like “managed,” “assisted” and “responsible for” so many times in resumes that they have lost their meanings and don’t do much to show off your accomplishments. There are tons of strong, compelling verbs that can make your resume shine. Examples include: headed, orchestrated, designed, launched, pioneered, accelerated, boosted, revamped, mobilized, etc.

Put the best stuff “above the fold.”

“Above the fold” is a marketing jargon that refers to what you see in the front half of a folded newspaper (or in the digital age, the website.) that creates the first impression. In the resume world, this means you should put your best achievements and work history first so you can stand up to the 7-second test. The top part of a resume is what a hiring manager is going to see first and will determine if they are interested to read further.

Keep it simple

While it’s okay to be creative, don’t go overboard. Simplicity is often underrated in the resume-writing world and so it is important that you make sure to keep the formatting and design simple. Also, don’t cram too much information into the document. Having a two-page resume is standard practice. Also, you should have ample white space on the left/right margin as well as in the header and footer of your resume. Maintaining proper spacing throughout your document will also make your resume more readable.


If you are unsure what makes a killer resume – please consider the above tips to ensure you have a highly marketable resume. These suggestions will help you stand out from the crowd and bring you one step closer to getting hired.

If you find the whole process of resume writing challenging and need some help, please have a look at our resume writing service options. We are here to help!

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