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10 Ways To Calm Your Interview Nerves

Tips for interview success
Calm your interview nerves

Most job seekers will readily agree that job interviews are stressful and that the day of the actual interview can be particularly nerve racking. Here are 10 interview tips to help you distress, calm your interview nerves and ensure that you are ready to perform!


1. Go for a walk

A good way to alleviate some of the fears and anxiety you might be having is to go for a walk before attending the interview. This is a great stress reliever that will allow you to release all those healthy endorphins that will make you feel great in your interview.

2. Practice the S.T.O.P method

The S.T.O.P method is a powerful mental trick that can help you gain some confidence. It goes like this:

Stop what you’re doing so you can calm your thoughts
Take a few deep breaths
Observe what you are feeling and thinking
Proceed with an intention to relax you mind, center your body and visualize success

3. Prepare to address your fears

If there is a specific question or situation you are hoping to avoid in your interview, it is far better to prepare for the worst rather than avoid this completely. The success of your interview could depend on your ability to speak to these uncomfortable questions.

For example, if you were let go from your last position, you are probably hoping that this will not come up in the interview. However, interviewers often will ask the following question:

“Why did you leave your last position?”

Given this, you are far better to prepare a thoughtful answer rather then avoid this completely in hopes that it won’t come up. A lack of preparation may compromise your interview.

4. Make an interview cheat sheet

Before the interview it is a good idea to prepare some notes and jot down some points that you need to remember. This may include the name of the manager, some key skills that you want to highlight and even some past successes you want to share.

You may even consider bringing in a couple extra copies of your resume to the interview. These can not only be shared with interviewers but also can be used as a point of reference for yourself.

5. Eat a good meal

What you eat before an interview also plays a key role in how you feel during the process. Be sure to eat light foods so you won’t have to worry about an upset stomach. Likewise, be selective of what you drink before an interview as you want to appear calm and composed when you arrive at the location. For example, if you are used to drinking one cup a coffee a day - it is likely not a good idea to increase your coffee intake before the interview.

6. Give yourself a pep talk

Positive self-talk is so important to your success. Tell yourself all the things you need to hear to be motivated. You are your greatest cheerleader. Don’t be afraid to look into the mirror in the morning and repeat some positive affirmations out loud so you feel confident and pumped-up to attend your interview.

7. Listen to music

Many people find music to be soothing and feel that listening to music before attending an interview will help to calm your nerves. Another good strategy to get energized for the interview is to listen to a podcast or a motivational speech. This not only helps to reduce interview anxiety but will increase your excitement about this new opportunity which has been presented to you.

8. Smile

Smiling can increase your likability and even help you distress. Try your best to wear a big smile on your face as you wait your turn even if you have to fake it.

9. Think happy thoughts

This might sound like cliché but thinking happy thoughts can help reduce the stress hormones you feel and put you in the right frame of mind for the interview. Stay positive and remember that this opportunity may be the big break you have been waiting for!

10. Remember it’s just a conversation

Finally, remind yourself that you’re not about to walk into the lion’s den or jump out of an airplane. An interview is just a conversation between you and one or two people about your career. Remember that you are in complete control and this is simply a formality so they can see that you are the best fit for the job!

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